Dont Forget Love – A Poem

Been ages since I chatted about love
About you, or about the sanguine weather around me
About that single twig in my mind
Where roses grow in all their elegance

So water me with a little glance and see the explosion
Allow it to grow wildly until it reaches your heart
Let on this Midnight’s poignant wine to overflow
Listen to my scarlet poetry, see how it touches you now

Remember how our passion never blackened
But black is this tempting night and so suppose
I’m that dusky rain knocking at your enfolded petals, again
Or the stygian gust becoming your unconscious breath

I still am that last flatus of your careless smoke
The one you wished to never have exhaled and lost
Remember those white exquisite lungs emanating purplish vapours
They weren’t merely an idea, but were in fact a deed

Remember when way back in our innocence and lunacy
We sought shelters under each other’s ribs
Soused under drizzles of each other’s eyes, pondered the Universe
In all the manners we desired, and named it love, and called it aloud

Remember when we were tomfoolery and wisdom
And walkers and dancers and blossoms and falls
And soloists and shies and mistrals and breezes
Remember when we were lovers and we promised not to be anything less

Painting by ©Kamal Nath

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