Blue Rhetoric – Not Just Words

It is so dark inside that sometimes when I choose a random spot around to stare at and estimate the length, distance or depth of this darkness, my eyes well up.

Eyes well up as of exhausted with their search for a boundary to this growing darkness.

Exhausted with doing a task that was never designated to them, for what is designated to them is to see the literal misleading beauty of this world.

A beauty, that no longer crosses the lens of these eyes.

A beauty that once had a meaning as obvious as the sensation of sight itself.

But now that it is gone and now that the murkiness has swiftly conquered the whatsoever unimportant territory of my existence.

I have to live with it.

For in it is everything, that there isn’t in the outside world that lies just outside the unexisting periphery of darkness.


If you relate to this, I am Sorry.

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